Linchpin Touch is part of the Linchpin Intranet Suite and no longer available separately.

Would you like to try out Linchpin Touch with no obligations? Then our test instance is perfect for you:

To get a quick first impression of Linchpin Touch, you can use our test instance. Just click on the button on the right.

With the user name "pwinter" and password "pwinter" you can easily log in.

(info) The add-on is optimized for screens with full-HD resolutions. On other screens, it is suboptimal.

In order to be able to install your own Linchpin Touch test version quick and easily on your device, we have listed the necessary steps here.

Haven't had a demonstration yet? Then click on the button on the right and contact us.

We will send you a free trial version for your touch device!

Other options to try out Linchpin Touch

We are actively developing "Linchpin Touch" and would like to invite our existing Linchpin customers to trial a prototype or enter into a development partnership with us.

If you are interested, please contact us!

Linchpin Touch is a great opportunity for many companies to reach all of their employees, no matter where they are.

Here are our suggestion for the components of your own DIY Linchpin Touch solution.

Does this sound interesting and you want to know more? Get in "touch" with us!

The initial Linchpin Touch setup

Step 1: Install the app

Linchpin Touch is currently not available at the Atlassian Marketplace. We will gladly provide you with a test version.

Install the add-on using the "Upload Add-on" function in the administration of your Confluence instance.

Step 2: Create a board user

The concept for Linchpin Touch supports large screens in quasi-public areas (social rooms, entrance areas, factory floors, etc.). The displayed information is taken directly from Confluence. Therefore the user this is logged into the device must have read-permission for the relevant spaces to be shown on the screen. To do this, we recommend you create your own "board-user" and don't use one of the existing users.

Linchpin Touch is not intended to work for anonymous, non-logged-in users.

Step 3: Create content for the quadrants in the main area

The main area of Linchpin Touch is composed of four quadrants. The content for one of these quadrants corresponds to the content of a Confluence page. These Confluence pages can be in a specifically designed "touch space", but they do not have to be. What's important is that the board-user must have permission to read this page.
The title of the page will be used as the headline for the corresponding quadrant.
Recommended content options for the quadrants:

Note on Cover Stories: Version 1.4.x of the Linchpin Enterprise News app contains a bug, which results in Linchpin Touch partly pixelating images. The error does not occur with versions 1.3.x and was fixed in version 1.5.x.

Step 4: Configure the main content area

Now go to the administration area in Confluence and switch to the entry "Linchpin Touch / Configuration".

Click the four input fields for the four quadrants one after the other, and enter the page titles of the previously created pages. A drop-down with auto-completion helps you to select the right page.

Once you have specified all four pages, you can click "Save configuration". Then use "Show touch view" to take a look at your new touch interface.

(info) The touchscreen is optimized for screens with full HD resolution. On screens with a different resolution, there are display errors.

Step 5: Configure the sidebar

Enter the code block into the field. Replace the placeholders for the labels ("content") with meaningful names.

The "xxx" in the data-id attribute should be replaced with the ID of the target page in your Confluence instance.

(info) The number in the data-tile attribute indicates the quadrant to zoom into (0 = upper left, 1 = upper right, 2 = lower left, 3 = lower right).

Save the details by clicking on "Save configuration".

Step 6: Configure the footer

The footer is configured similarly to the sidebar.

The "xxx" in the data-id attribute should be replaced by the ID of the target page.

The class can be customized for various icons. In this example you see "location plan", "food plan" and "bus plan".

Click on "Save configuration" to finish.

  • No labels

This content was last updated on 01/08/2020.

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