Questions About the Application

How do I apply?

At Seibert Media, we prefer online applications as we are an internet service company. We have a dedicated application form available for this purpose, ensuring efficient and timely processing of applications. Alternatively, you can also apply via email. However, please note that we do not prefer this method due to administrative and formal reasons. If you choose to apply by mail, we cannot guarantee a quick processing of your application. We kindly request that you avoid sending applications by postal mail whenever possible.

How do you handle my data?

We store your data to evaluate your suitability for the advertised position, determine whether to invite you for an interview, and communicate the results of the application process. Detailed information about where your data is stored and who has access to it can be found on our website.

What if I have questions about the advertised position?

We strive to provide comprehensive information in our job descriptions to address all your queries. Please carefully review the descriptions to see if your questions have already been answered. If you still require further information, please reach out to us via email at Please note that we do not have a central contact person specifically dedicated to applicant inquiries at Seibert Media.

Are unsolicited applications possible?

We welcome unsolicited applications and appreciate your initiative. When submitting a unsolicited application, please provide a detailed description of your knowledge, qualifications, skills, and clearly define the desired area of responsibility and position you are interested in.

What information do I need to provide in my application?

We would like to know what you are capable of and what professional skills and aspirations you have. According to the General Equal Treatment Act, you are not obligated to provide personal characteristics related to ethnic origin, ideology, disability, marital status, or sexual identity. We do not collect such data unless actively communicated by you. Any knowledge we may have about these characteristics will not disadvantage you in terms of your application or potential future employment.

Do I need to provide information about my salary expectations?

We believe that you are capable of accurately assessing your skills and are aware of the value of your work. Therefore, we expect you to communicate your specific salary expectations as part of your application and even before a personal interview.

Do I need to submit an online application video as well?

In the application form, you can decide whether you want to type everything traditionally or record a video for us. Of course, you can also type your application and additionally submit a short video if you wish—it's entirely up to you. If you choose not to submit a video, it is not a problem at all, and it will not disadvantage you in the application process. We simply want to offer you the opportunity to enhance your application through a personal video. If you decide to send us one, we would certainly appreciate it.

How does the application process work?

Ideally, you will complete our application form in its entirety, as it contains all the initially relevant questions for us. You will receive a confirmation once we have received your application in our system, and then you will hear from us as soon as possible with the next steps. This could be an invitation to an electronic qualification test or a phone interview, or we may initially ask you a few questions via email. The process is highly individual and depends on the information you have already provided in your application and the specific area you are applying for. Subsequently, Seibert Media will create an employment contract that you carefully review and sign.

How long does the application process take at Seibert Media?

Applications submitted through our application form can be processed the quickest. We strive to handle applications within a reasonable timeframe. However, in rare cases, projects and other processes may put a higher strain on our resources. If you feel that the processing of your application is taking an unreasonable amount of time, please contact us at or give us a call. In general, we do not forget anyone, and no application is left without a response.

Questions About Workflow

How does my onboarding at Seibert Media work?

We aim to keep the onboarding period as short as possible. Therefore, we will provide you with a roadmap outlining the key tasks for the first few weeks to help you settle in quickly. Additionally, you will be assigned a coach who will be available to assist you with any questions and familiarize you with internal processes. Your team will effectively introduce you to your role and responsibilities. Of course, all your new colleagues will also be happy to support you with advice and assistance. Later on, you will choose a buddy who will serve as a long-term contact person for you and your concerns.

How much vacation does Seibert Media grant to employees?

All employees receive 25 vacation days plus 11 public holidays. Your sick days are not deducted from your vacation days. If you're sick, you're sick.

How does flexible working hours function at Seibert Media, and how is working time logged?

The 9-to-5 rhythm is foreign to us. Our time tracking system is as flexible as our employees. We recognize that each person has individual peaks and lows of daily productivity, and we take that into account. If someone prefers to sleep in, they can come in later. If someone wants to leave earlier, they can come in earlier. If someone has plans for the afternoon, they can stay a bit longer today or use their overtime balance. If someone needs to take care of personal matters, they can do so in between and then return to the office. At Seibert Media, each employee determines the amount of time they consider necessary and appropriate for self-realization, the development of their talents, and the utilization of their potential. No one is required to be present precisely at 8 am every day unless they choose to. We track working hours and performance using a web-based software that ensures transparency and accountability.

What are the overtime and additional compensation rules at Seibert Media?

Jobs at Seibert Media correspond to a 40-hour workweek. We compensate for overtime and do not enforce excessive overtime. We do not exploit our employees, and we do not require late-night or night shifts. While overtime may occasionally be necessary, we do expect our employees to be willing to work additional hours when a project requires it. However, this is never a constant state and is not demanded of them. In general, we wish for each employee to consistently fulfill the daily working hours they consider reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial for self-realization, the development of their own talents, and maximizing their productivity in the company's interest.

FAQs for Applicants

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This page was last edited on 06/07/2024.