You can create your own Linchpin environment all by yourself!

All of these steps can be performed or started at no cost or obligation to you. Create a prototype of your new social intranet right now!

What is Linchpin?

Linchpin is a comprehensive solution for enterprise intranets created by //SEIBERT/MEDIA based on Confluence, the collaborative intranet software by the Australian company Atlassian. Confluence is a professional wiki system many collaboration and knowledge management capabilities built in (learn more about Confluence).

To create the Linchpin solution, //SEIBERT/MEDIA has added a selection of useful modules and specific configurations to support full personalization and provide social elements and features. This is in order to meet the growing needs of your corporate communications department (learn more about Linchpin).

You don't have to rely on //SEIBERT/MEDIA to create a Linchpin intranet - you can do it yourself by downloading, installing and configuring all the add-ons that we use in our Linchpin solutions.

Setting up your own Linchpin intranet

The following guide is designed for experienced Confluence administrators who want to try out the Linchpin intranet solution on their staging environment. If you don't have a test site feel free to create a Confluence demonstration instance by using SWIFT. You can experiment there without worrying about breaking anything, and learn what the system can do for you.

You can use the demonstration instance to build a prototype that you can present to your company's intranet committee. Having a working prototype is invaluable for creating enthusiasm and buy-in from stakeholders. Additionally, you can show that your chosen solution will meet your company's requirements.

Step 1: Getting Started

With Atlassian Confluence as its core, Linchpin has a solid and powerful software foundation.

These basic features - combined with modular Linchpin apps developed by Seibert Media - provide you with a state-of-the-art collaboration platform that can be tailored to meet the needs and requirements of your organization.

For more details, take a look at our documentation

Step 2: Theming

Linchpin Essentials

Every professional Linchpin instance should have an individual design adapted to the corporate identity of its owner.

An individual design not only improves the system's usability in critical areas but also increases the acceptance among employees and their identification with the software.

For more details, take a look at our documentation

Step 3: User Profiles

Linchpin User Profiles

People are the heart of your company and should be the heart of your Linchpin, too.

Linchpin User Profiles make it easier for your employees to connect. It enables users to create profiles that tell a story and draw a realistic picture about them. It allows new colleagues to get to know the team, quickly and easily.

Admins can create profiles with unlimited custom fields, arrange the order of fields and create categories. Field types range from text input and user select to linked profile fields. 

For more details, take a look at our documentation

Step 4: Personalization

Linchpin Personalized Content

Aggregate your content in one place and enhance your excerpts with personalization.

For more details, take a look at our documentation

Step 5: News

Linchpin Enterprise News

Creating a news item with Linchpin Enterprise News is as easy as creating a blog post inside your standard Confluence. In fact, it's the same thing. For larger corporations the standard blog functionality is not enough to model a complex news concept.

Linchpin Enterprise News offers a selection of macros to do that, along with tools for creating visually appealing dashboards and news pages, personalization for certain user groups or even users and a set of social features to increase their users' involvement. 

For more details, take a look at our documentation

Step 6: Events

Linchpin Events

Linchpin Events takes event management within Linchpin to a whole new level.

You can create, explore, and manage events with the all-new central event hub, the live preview presents event organizers with an accurate representation of how the event will look like once it has been published, and the heavily improved workflow for embedding and managing events within pages in Linchpin makes it even easier and more fun to use.

For more details, take a look at our documentation

Step 7: Microblogging

Microblogging for Confluence

Microblogging for Confluence provides a user friendly and streamlined, real-time channel to share your ideas and quickly collect feedback.

This Linchpin module enables seamless and direct sharing of multimedia information, like on Twitter and Facebook. With the rich-text editor, you can easily share text information as well as links, @mentions, #hashtags, pictures, videos.

For more details, take a look at our documentation

Step 8: Launchpad

Linchpin Launchpad

Make your Linchpin even more useful by providing links to external apps that users will need for their daily work.

As a quick selection of favorite apps placed on your dashboard, as an extensive, categorized overview on a separate page or within a custom sidebar.

Wherever you need access to your apps, simply place one of two available macros: one for displaying favorited apps, one for a hand-picked list. In addition, you can recommend apps for users based on their personal data.

For more details, take a look at our documentation

Step 9: Language Manager

Language Manager

The Language Manager allows you to define the language for every individual Confluence page, blog post and even whole spaces.

It's ideal if you need the ability to provide content in various languages but want to maintain full flexibility in all of your spaces. You don't have to translate each and every piece of content.

Create different content and apply different navigation menus for all your spaces in various languages for various countries - all while being able to offer translated versions of all or selected pages.

For more details, take a look at our documentation

Configuring the Linchpin Modules


Make sure you have set up and configured spaces and pages, groupspermissions and templates.

Whether you are starting with the Linchpin demo, or if you have installed the Linchpin add-ons to a Confluence instance, you will need to configure the core add-ons in a specific order.

The following diagram gives you an overview of each configuration step. Click on the links to be taken to each add-on's documentation. 

Safety Guidelines

We strongly recommend the following Confluence configuration settings to avoid potential security risks:

Make sure people are not allowed to register their own accounts, especially without restriction to your domain.

If you allow anonymous access, make sure anonymous users don't have permission to create or edit anything anywhere (pages, blogposts, comments, attachments etc. in any space).
If you configure your instance differently, you do so at your own risk.

Want some more help?

Are you having trouble defining your requirements? Don't know what add-ons you really need? Want some help with the configuration? We are here for you!

Linchpin Partner


Our Partner Manager Clara will answer any questions you may have about Linchpin as a Linchpin partner.


Linchpin Customers (Self-Service)


Our Sales team will answer any questions you may have about Linchpin as a Linchpin customer. 



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This page was last edited on 06/25/2024.