As a token of our appreciation, we offer a $30 gift card for honest customer feedback on the Atlassian Marketplace. To qualify for the gift card, please ensure your review meets the following criteria:

  1. Post your review on the Atlassian Marketplace first: Once your review is live, open a ticket at our service desk. Provide your email address, Confluence URL, and the exact text and star rating of your review so we can identify it.
  2. Use a business email address: The email address used for the review must be a business address associated with your Atlassian account.
  3. Write a detailed review: The review must be at least two sentences long.
  4. Avoid duplications and secondary accounts: Duplicate reviews, updates to existing reviews, and reviews written from secondary accounts do not qualify for a gift card.
  5. Be specific to our products or services: Your feedback must pertain to at least one product or service.
  6. Provide constructive feedback for lower ratings: For reviews with ratings below four stars, please include at least one actionable, constructive suggestion on how we can improve our product or service.

Thank you for helping us improve our products and services with your valuable feedback!

This guideline applies to the following products: Aura, Karma, Mantra, Didit Checklists

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This page was last edited on 06/10/2024.