What Sets Seibert Media Apart?

We embrace change and are always on the move. And yes, despite the dynamics and constant evolution, certain principles remain unchanged.

Our Vision

Companies are adaptable organisms: People organize themselves in constant collaboration, sharing responsibility and success.

Our Mission

Through software, we enhance communication and collaboration as key factors in value creation. Kickass software, rock'n'roll teams.

Our Values

Fair Play

We treat others fairly and don't cheat.


We win as a team and we lose as a team.

Personal Responsibilty

We love taking ownership.


We share our knowledge with others.


We embrace change.

Character Strength

We don't take the path of least resistance.


We always seek the most sensible solution.


We act responsibly towards our customers, colleagues, and the environment.

Have you read our values? You may shed a tear now.

But seriously, what do you do with them besides saying, "Oh, well!"? And why do we need values? Can't we just go about our business?

Let's put it this way: These values were not put together because a few people were bored here. Above all, they are meant to help you in your daily work, especially since you're new to the company and naturally a bit unsure. Think of them as short and snappy guidelines.

Do you have an idea that could shake things up if implemented? Great, present it to others because we love change.

Would you like to share your expertise with others and perhaps write about it? Wonderful, we have a weblog and a public wiki here, both perfectly suited for your content. We share our knowledge with others, transparency rules!

Do you think you can come up with a cool solution for a challenge? Then go for it and take charge.

Do you disagree with a decision? Speak up and discuss it instead of just swallowing it. We don't take the path of least resistance.

And so on. Now you know what I mean, right? Especially in the beginning, these values should help you act responsibly and be confident that you are working for the company with the best knowledge and conscience. Officially speaking, they should guide our collective behavior in an easily understandable and motivating way and be memorable.

So, more than just evoking a brief moment of sentimentality and then being forgotten. Remember these values, they will greatly help you. Plus, they're really pretty cool!

At our company, we adhere to a strict ethical code that guides our actions and decisions. Here are the key principles we follow:

  1. Legal and Ethical Conduct: We never involve ourselves in any activities that we know or suspect to be illegal or unethical. Integrity is at the core of everything we do.

  2. Respect for Company Property: We recognize that company property is meant for business purposes only. Our employees do not exploit it for personal gain or misuse it in any way.

  3. Clear Business Purpose: We engage only in activities that serve a legitimate business purpose. We avoid any involvement in projects or ventures that lack transparency or a clear purpose aligned with our values.

  4. Transparency and Public Accountability: We support and engage in initiatives that can withstand public scrutiny. If our actions were to be exposed, we would be proud of our contributions and stand behind them confidently.

  5. Honesty and Integrity: We maintain a culture of honesty and integrity in all our interactions and transactions. We do not engage in any behavior that compromises our values or requires us to be untruthful.

  6. Success-driven Work: Our primary focus is on achieving success rather than solely pursuing profit. By prioritizing excellence in our work, we trust that financial success will naturally follow.

  7. Respect for Employees: We value our employees and do not exploit them or take advantage of their vulnerabilities. Our commitment is to create a fair and supportive work environment for all.

These principles are the foundation of our ethical framework, which guides our conduct and ensures that we uphold the highest standards of integrity and responsibility in everything we do.

  • We firmly believe that there is always a strong demand for good, well-founded, and competent services.

  • Our focus is not on rapid and immense growth achieved by compromising the quality of our portfolio and expertise (such as indiscriminately hiring numerous individuals to boost capacity). Instead, we invest significant effort in providing intensive training to our new colleagues and entrusting them with responsible tasks only when they have acquired the necessary expertise. We willingly forgo additional revenue during this period to safeguard our reputation as a provider of high-quality services, rather than engaging in "quick deals" that could compromise our standing.

  • Our aim is to provide personal and genuine guidance to our clients. We recommend what we consider to be right and sensible, rather than what is merely convenient or lucrative.

  • We embrace honesty and sincerity, even when it may not be advantageous for our own business interests.

  • We believe that trust, coupled with competence, forms the foundation of successful client relationships and is of paramount importance.

  • We view the knowledge and experience of our employees as critical factors for success. Therefore, we actively promote their ongoing development through frequent seminars, training sessions, and targeted goal-setting, allocating dedicated time and considering compensation incentives.

  • Creating a positive work environment and atmosphere that nurtures creativity, productivity, and performance among our employees is a fundamental commitment of our company. We strive to achieve our objectives through solidarity, unity, and collaboration, rather than relying on undue pressure.

  • We reject the notion of individualistic loners or isolated geniuses within our organization.

  • Open communication and mutual accountability are encouraged and expected from everyone. We treat our employees as responsible adults, sharing relevant business information and project details without withholding essential knowledge.

  • We uphold fairness towards all our employees. While we may not always be the most financially attractive employer, we are dedicated to treating each individual equitably and valuing high performers rather than allowing negotiations to dictate outcomes.

  • As a pragmatic company, our actions are driven by a focus on prioritizing the benefits for our clients. We do not impose unnecessary services on them but rather offer what we genuinely believe to be meaningful and beneficial.

  • We do not pursue industry association awards as our primary motivation. However, we strive to ensure that the quality and value of our work are of such high caliber that they could be deserving of recognition.

  • Our goal is to serve our clients as trusted partners, acting as "embedded employees," and being available for even minor support when needed.

  • We foster a culture where we work together as human beings, treating one another with respect and acknowledging each individual's uniqueness beyond their professional role or performance.

  • Any form of discrimination is strictly prohibited, as we uphold principles of equality and inclusivity.

Our Values

  • No labels

This content was last updated on 08/22/2023.

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