Linchpin Hey is your hub for daily work. That's why we've started integrating common tools for different types of use cases.

To connect an integration, you have to be an administrator in your workspace. After setting up a new workspace, you'll see a hint which leads you to the integration setup. This configuration is also available within the administration menu. 

Atlassian Cloud

As an administrator

Linchpin Server is a "Confluence based Intranet". That's why it's obvious that we've started with an Atlassian Cloud integration for Linchpin Hey. For more information about how Linchpin made its way to the cloud, please take a look at this blog article.

Insert your Atlassian Cloud site URL and activate the check boxes depending on which tool(s) you want to connect (Confluence Cloud and / or Jira Cloud). 

A new tab will open and you get asked to authorise Linchpin Hey (please check that the popup is not blocked). Choose your site URL and proceed. If necessary close the tab. Atlassian Cloud has been successfully connected.  

What your teammates have to do

Once you've set up the general connection between your Linchpin Hey workspace and Atlassian Cloud, your users have to allow Linchpin Hey to get their user based information e.g. watched issues or updated pages.

To do so, they'll see an information box on the dashboard, after you've set up the initial connection. All they have to do now (only once for all devices), is to click on "Connect" and authorise Linchpin Hey. 

This function is also available through the "Integrations" button within the avatar menu. 

Available information

Confluence Cloud - Your users can see the last updated pages from the connected Confluence Cloud site. Page and space restrictions are respected. By clicking on an entry, the page will open in a new tab. 

Jira Cloud - We show the users' last updated and watched issues. Same as for Confluence Cloud, we will open a new tab when clicking on an entry.

Note: We've also worked on a Chrome extension which allows us to open Atlassian content in an overlay instead of a new browser tab. Please let us know if you're interested in this extension. 

Google Calendar

As an administrator

Many companies use the G-Suite as a business solution, so we've started with a Google Calendar integration. Depending on customer feedback, we will add more G-Suite integrations for Linchpin Hey. 

For activating the connection, you need to be an administrator. As similar to the Atlassian Cloud integration, you have to open the administration section. Here you'll find the headline "Integration". All you have to do now is to click the "Connect" Button. 

What your teammates have to do

Once you've set up the general connection between your Linchpin Hey workspace and G-Suite, your users have to allow Linchpin Hey to read their calendar information. 

To do so, they'll see an information box on the dashboard, after you've set up the initial connection. All they have to do now (only once for all devices), is to click on "Connect".

This function is also available through the "Integrations" button within the avatar menu. 

How to revoke an integration

Of course it is possible to revoke a connected integration. As an administrator you find this option in the administration section. 

Users can revoke connections via the Integrations menu located in the header section. 

This content was last updated on 08/20/2021.

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