Create a new article

Visit the news hub which is available through the left sidebar. If there's no news article yet, our astronaut Alfi will guide you to the "Write article" Button.

Otherwise the feature is available at the "Your articles" section. 

The editor

We have implemented a really easy and clear editor. We will add some more features in the future, but the editing experience will still be smooth for every user. 

Add a title (this one is obligatory), a subtitle and some text.

You can also copy and paste web images, upload an image or choose a picture from Unsplash. 

Teaser Images

Once you've added an image, it will appear within the editor sidebar. The first image is automatically set as the teaser image for this article. Of course you can choose any other image that you've uploaded or copied into the article. In addition (and as a default for no image) you can choose "Author". This type of teaser image will show a tile with the primary color and the authors avatar.

Teaser image vs. teaser avatar on dashboard view

Save as draft

You can click on "Publish later" if you want to save your article as a draft. Drafts are only visible for the author. Your drafts are available at the "Your articles" section. From here you can keep on editing your article or publish it for everyone in your workspace. At this point we don't have restrictions for published news, but we will add a restriction management later. 

Only administrators and the author himself are able to edit and delete published news.  

Interactions with news articles

People can react to a news article. You can reply to a news item with a Reaction and thus express one of 5 emotions and you can comment on a news item.  Please let us know what you think about it.

The most important feature besides writing a news article is the option to comment on it. So simply click on the Reply button to write a comment.
There are five levels of replies in total, so you can start a real dialogue based on a news article.

Soon it will also be possible to attach pictures and other files to your comment.

Next: Integrations

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This content was last updated on 06/07/2022.

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