The comparison highlights the difference from the perspective of our for Confluence app, as many Confluence customers are looking for an integrated solution to replace Visio.

Import and Export     Security and Sustainability     Usability     Versatility     Customization

Import and Export

Import and Export


Import data from different formats

Yes (Gliffy, Visio, PNG with XML, CSV)Yes (from other MS tools in Visio Professional)
Export our diagrams to share them with external usersYes (PNG, JPG, SVG, PDF, VSDX, HTML, XML, URL)Yes (PDF via Print, URL)
Enable users without access to the commercial diagramming solution to work with you on diagramsYes (with the open-source apps)No

Security and Sustainability (Permanence/Endurance)

Security and Visio
Solution 100% embedded into ConfluenceYesNo
Use the Confluence search functionality to search for text in diagrams (indexing of diagram content)Yes (Full indexing)No
Revision history to enable audit trailsYes (on Confluence and app level)Yes (on Visio level)
Link and synch diagrams that already existYesNo

Control over where your data goes (in Confluence Cloud)

Diagrams are created in your browser and saved to Confluence ONLY (no servers involved)Diagrams are saved to the Microsoft Cloud
Change Log documentationSee

Usability Visio
Supports all of the relevant diagramming use-cases (such as Flowcharts, BPMN, UML, ERD, Mindmaps, etc.)Yes Yes
Draw diagrams with your colleagues in realtime (collaborative editing)Yes, see demo in Confluence CloudYes
Support of Drag & Drop functionality
  • Add shapes
Accessibility of format shapes and connectors
  • Use the common MS menus to edit your diagrams
Link shapes to other content
  • Confluence Pages and Attachments
  • Page Content (Headers)
  • Diagram content (from multiple diagram pages)
  • Weblink (with the option of relative URL)
  • E-Mail
  • URL
  • Diagram content (from multiple diagram pages)
  • E-Mail
Ability to have multiple pages per diagram where you can display subprocesses etc.YesYes
Option to use layers in diagramsYesYes
Use shortcuts to quickly draw e.g. flowchartsA lot of shortcuts available basic shortcuts


Create diagrams via AIYes, with our Smart TemplatesNo

Create a diagram from code

Text, PlantUML, Mermaid, SQL, and CSVFrom other MS tools (Excel, Access…)

Use Mathematical typesetting to draw diagrams


Whiteboard feature

Yes, with our additional Board macroNo
Crop images inside a diagramYesNo

Collapsable/expandable shapes and container shapes


Assistant for automated layouts


Create and connect new shapes at the same time (with our without a shortcut)

Advanced connectorsYes, connector can take shortest path or customized routes (with definable waypoints)Yes
Animate connectorsYes, show flow directionNo

Customization Visio
Create custom libraries and make them available by default for the rest of the companyYes, adding images AND shapes via Drag & Drop (no shape limits)Opportunity to create custom shapes
Create templates from custom diagramsYesYes
Have a personal library (scratchpad) where you can store individual shapesYesNo

Meet corporate design guidelines: Implement and use your custom fonts


Implement and use your custom colors

Yes, as color palettesYes, as color themes
Color picker functionalityYesNo

You want to migrate from Visio?

Export your Visio diagrams in the .vsdx format and drag and drop them on a blank canvas.
It's that easy. If you need any help, just contact us.

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This content was last updated on 07/13/2023.

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