The most important fact first: Linchpin Enterprise News automatically takes care of permissions within a space with an active news approval workflow.
If news editors and/or a team of authors exist(s) in your space, Linchpin Enterprise News will automatically give users defined in said two groups according view/edit permissions, so that they are able to edit news. These permissions will also be removed automatically after the publication.
We strongly advise you against setting manual permissions within spaces with an active news approval workflow.
Setting permissions manually
Manually set permissions always overwrite the permissions given and removed by Linchpin's news approval workflow.
The reasoning behind this logic is such that Linchpin can't know your intentions in this situation. Linchpin doesn't know if you wish to make a temporary or a permanent change to the permissions. That's why it won't try to overwrite manually set permissions.
If there are single users you want to give temporary permissions to, please do it using theEditorsandTeam of authorsfunctions before a news item is created.
Remember! Even if you manually limit restrictions to a news item, users set as "editors" and "authors" as well as the actual news author/creator will also be able to see and edit said news.
Changes in version 2.16.4
Since Linchpin Enterprise News 2.16.4, you can't edit blog page permissions while in view mode anymore. Changes made to permissions while in viewing mode of a blog post completely ignore our news approval workflow. We decided to deactivate the possibility to change permissions while in view mode to limit the chances of permissions related issues. You can still change permissions while in the edit mode. When doing so, please note the warnings this page contains.
Problems with manual permissions and the news approval workflow
If you decide to set manual permissions in "workflow spaces" (spaces with an active news approval workflow) anyway, be advised that the visibility might be affected by this in a way you didn't intended.
If you manually set "view" permissions for a blog post, those permissions will remain active even after the publication of said blog post and might restrict this blog post's visibility.
Please note: The creator of the blog post and any "authors" and "editors" will also have permissions for this blog post.
Manually set "edit" permissions
If you manually set "edit" permissions for a blog post, those permissions will remain active even after the publication of said blog post and might restrict this blog post's editability. The visibility will not be affected.
Please note: The creator of the blog post and any "authors" and "editors" will also have permissions for this blog post.
If you're going to overwrite permissions temporarily, please remember to manually revoke said permissions, too!
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