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This macro used to be called "Spaces by Category".

General concept

Adding categories to spaces helps to organize them. They behave similar to labels for a single post. A common use case is to identify all spaces that are expected to publish news (blog posts) now and then by using the space category news

If you want to embed a list of spaces that are labelled with a certain space category, simply use the "Subscribe to spaces" macro.

Embedding a list of spaces by category

There are three main settings for the "Subscribe to spaces" macro.


Space categories

Enter the space category by which you want to have your spaces listed. Are all news publishing spaces labeled with the "news" category? Great, then enter "news" as a category to create a list of all spaces with said category.

You can enter more than one category for your list. Be aware though that as soon as there are multiple categories defined here, only spaces which contain all said categories will be displayed.

View mode

You can display this macro either as minimalistic list or in tile view.


In list view, you can control what elements are displayed. Check the boxes to show certain information, like the sapce logo or an info button which provides some info about a space. You can also decide if users will be able to subscribe to spaces using this macro.


The tiles view contains more information by default. You can't control which elements will or will not be displayed here. 

By default, the tile view will display a more modern looking list, including all possible feature of a simple list: the space icon, the space info button and the button which allows to subscribe to spaces.


Here you can decide if your list should be filterable. If you wish to include the possibility to filter down the list, check the Show filters checkbox.

Want to know what other macros Linchpin has to offer? Click here!

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Like Mantra, the intranet for Confluence Cloud, developed by our joint-venture AppAnvil (known for hits like Aura & Karma).

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This page was last edited on 06/04/2024.