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Sidebar navigation

To define what to show in your sidebar for Linchpin Touch, please go to Confluence Administration → Linchpin Touch → Layout & Content → Sidebar & Footer.

Think of the sidebar as your main navigation for people using the touch display. Theoretically, you can enter as many menu entries as you wish. Please note though that the sidebar is not scrollable right now, so you'll want to check if all of your items are visible without scrolling.

When starting from scratch, you'll find a sidebar named "default sidebar" waiting for you. If you will be using personalization features, you might end up having more than one sidebar. That's why those sidebars have names, so you can tell which is which. Also note the assignment. Learn more about personalization here.

For now, start by clicking on the edit icon on the right.

You are looking at your sidebar menu structure now. On top, there's a button to add new menu elements as well as a field for the sidebar's name. You can change that, if you like. It's just for your eyes, regular users looking at the touch device won't see the name of the sidebar.

On the right you can see "Assignment". There you can define who, will see this sidebar by selecting one or more personallzation groups. Please don't assign more than one sidebar to any group.

In the drop down menu, you can select the personalization groups, which you have created previously. Click here to find out how to create personalization groups for Linchpin Touch.

The main part of the screen shows the structure of your menu. For now, there's only one element with no information attached to it.

On the right side you see the different fields for adding information to a menu element:

  • Caption: That's the piece of text your users will read. It's the only mandatory field for menu items.
  • Link: A link to the content you want to be shown when somenone clicks on the menu item. You can enter a page title from your Confluence (and will be helped by an autoselect dropdown) or you can paste or type in an external link starting with http://... The link is optional: if this entry is just kind of a category that folds out its sub-items, it doesn't need a link of its own.
  • Zoom: Maybe you want to connect a menu item with a zoom in on one of the four quadrants of the main area. Here you specify where it should zoom to: one of the quadrants, zoom out to the complete view or no zoom at all. Default is no zoom.

Finish your editing by clicking on the button "Save menu item" on the right side. You have to save this element first (or cancel your editing), before you can start editing the rest of the sidebar menu.

Add as many items as you need and order them via drag & drop. A menu item can have sub-items, but sub-items cannot have sub-items of their own.

In this example we have several menu items: one of them functions as a category ("Company"), while its three sub-items ("Coporate Goals", "Corporate Startegy" & "Internal Job Portal") refer to specific Confluence pages. As you can see, there are small icons on each element, giving a quick indicator if there's a link or a zoom defined. Hover over these icons with your mouse for a tooltip showing more information, or simply click on the element to show all the information on the right-hand side.

Also you'll notice a three-dots icon on each element. This lets you add new elements above or below the one you clicked, so you can save a little time. If you add new elements by clicking on the button on top of the page, it will always be added at the bottom of your menu structure.

Notice that the Assignment is "Touch in Washington". Learn more about personlization here.

When you are done editing, click on the blue button to save your sidebar.

Footer navigation

Editing the footer navigation is pretty much the same as editing the sidebar, with two important differences:

  • There are no sub-items in the footer, it's one level of items only.
  • Each item can have an icon. The icon isn't mandatory, but it gives a nice little something to your footer menu. You can choose from a set of roundabout 25 icons.

Make sure you assign it to a personalized group of your choice. Just like in the sidebar, select your personalized group from the drop down menu, in our example it's "Touch in Washington".

We also recommend adding the same city name you used in the sidebar for the footer. Hence, in our example we named the footer "Footer Washington".

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This page was last edited on 06/05/2024.