Write a micropost

Mention a user by typing "@" and you'll get suggestions.
Choose a topic for your micropost.

The microblog editor to write a micropost is similar to the one used by Confluence for comments. Use it to share information and style your micropost.

You can use:

  • Text formatting
  • Links
  • Images
  • @ to mention a user
  • # to label / hashtag a micropost 
  • Some macros 

You also have to choose a microblog topic to store your micropost in ("Cat content" in the screenshot). In most cases, a suggested topic is preselected. If you cannot see the option to select a topic, the topic is predefined by context or macro configuration.

The word you want to use as hashtag has to be unformatted (not bold, underlined, italic etc.).

Please note that not all macros work within the microblog. Especially if you insert them via copy / paste.

Reply to a micropost

Replying to a micropost uses the same editor as writing a new one.

Replying to a micropost is pretty much the same as writing a new one. By clicking the "Reply"-Button the related micropost will be moved to the top of the timeline and you can answer while seeing the context. Obviously, you can not change the microblog topic when writing an answer.

You can not only reply to top-level microposts, but also to replies. Currently, no actually nested replies are created. Instead, your reply goes to the top-level post, but the post you refer to will be highlighted in the context and an @-mention will be inserted in the editor. Also, the editor now always shows up directly under the post you refer to so that you don't have to scroll through all the reply context.

Edit a micropost

By clicking the "edit" button, you get the well known editor to change your post.

After editing, the micropost is marked as "edited". You can open the version history by clicking this word.

The version history shows every change that was made.

You can edit your microposts to correct a typo, fix a link or whatsoever.

After saving an edited micropost, it will be marked as "edited", so that others are aware that the post has been modified.

Click the "(edited)" link to show a version history overlay. It includes all modifications that have been made to this post, including date, time, the modifying user and the post contents.

Editing a micropost will not change the order of the timeline. The edited micropost will not be on top.

Note that every Confluence administrator can also edit or remove your post!

Delete a micropost

As a regular user you can delete your own microposts. Confluence or Space admins can also delete other users' microposts. But there is one rule: Only the last post of a conversation can be deleted at any given time. This rule applies to both regular users and admins. The idea behind this rule is to prevent anyone from distorting the meaning of a post by changing its context. 

If you want to remove a whole thread, you'll have to do so one post at a time.

Copy to clipboard

You can copy the link of a post to your clipboard, e.g. to send this information by mail or for any kind of documentation.

  • No labels

This content was last updated on 01/14/2020.

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