
2.13.2 Release Notes

Hotfix Release

Bug Fixes

  • Profile sync won't fail anymore when using a directory with nested groups.
  • Fixed an exception when using the Custom User Search macro after updating from an earlier version of Linchpin User Profiles.

2.13.1 Release Notes

Private version, not released

2.13 Release Notes

Show who is responsible for pages and blog posts


  • Add people to pages and blog posts to show who is responsible for the content.

  • The Linchpin Assistant will be supported with Linchpin Manager 1.2.

Bug Fixes

  • OrgChart relationships are now displayed correctly.
  • Profile pictures are no longer distorted in the Customer User List macro in Internet Explorer 11.
  • The incorrect display of Linked Fields in the Customer User List macro has been fixed.
  • New and edited fields are immediately available in the Customer User List macro.
  • You can now use hidden fields to personalize the menu.

Have you found a bug or a missing feature? Please contact us via Let's build a great product together! 

Linchpin User Profiles - Documentation

Create a meaningful and up-to-date profile

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This content was last updated on 03/20/2019.

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