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Sadly, we aren't perfect. But we are trying to get there! Down below you will find Known Issues sorted alphabetically.

Collapsible Admin Menu

Already fixed issues

Issue regarding Confluence & Linchpin

The "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app in version 1.32.1 causes problems for the Linchpin Intranet Suite.

The issue

All health checks freeze and the creation of support zips is not possible.


Do not update the "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app to version 1.32.1.

If already updated, please disable the following Linchpin modules:


Those health check modules are not of critical value, so temporarily disabling them should cause no problems.

Language Manager

Already fixed issues

Fixed inIssue TypeDescription of the Issue
General issue

The "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app in version 1.32.1 causes problems for the Linchpin Intranet Suite.

For more information, follow the link below:

Knowledge Base: "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app causes health checks to freeze and blocks the creation of support zips

Visual issue

Language names are always displayed in English.

In the Confluence versions 7.0.X there is a problem with the display of the language names. All languages are displayed in English, regardless of the Confluence language.  Link to the Issue at Atlassian

Linchpin Enterprise News

Already fixed issues

Fixed inIssue TypeDescription of the Issue
General Issue

The "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app in version 1.32.1 causes problems for the Linchpin Intranet Suite.

For more information, follow the link below:

Knowledge Base: "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app causes health checks to freeze and blocks the creation of support zips

Usability issue

E-mail notifications are sent ahead of the blog post's approval.

Currently, if a user subscribed to notifications for all blog posts, the e-mails are being sent the moment a blog post is created. Normally they should be sent only after a blog post has been approved (provided that an approval workflow is being used).

Usability issue

Notifications are sent before a post is published.

If a blog post is scheduled, under certain conditions notifications will be sent before the scheduled time has arrived. This behavior occurs, if a user has watched all blogs or is following the creator and in addition has writing permissions to the news space.

Other known issues

Issue TypeDescription of the Issue
Add-on compatibility

Brikit Theme - loss of metadata

When Linchpin Enterprise News is used in combination with Brikit Theme, saving a blog post results in lost metadata (teaser settings, publish time etc.) of the blog post.

Add-on compatibility

NoEmailStorm - missing buttons

When Linchpin Enterprise News is used in combination with NoEmailStorm, NoEmailStorm buttons won't be displayed while editing blog posts.

Usability issue

The blog post preview is broken for anonymous users.

Currently, the blog post preview doesn't display all elements for anonymous users.

Usability issue

Blog posts created via API do not enter approval workflow.

If a blog post is created via an API, e.g. by a third party app, in a workflow space, it is published immediately and does not enter the approval workflow. Blog post can only enter the approval workflow, if they are created with the editor.

Usability issue

Confluence's notification mail displays the last person who made changes to a blog post as its author.

If person A creates a blog post and submits it for approval, and person B fixes a typo (or changes anything else in the blog post) and then approves it, the mail that is sent out from Confluence displays person B as the author.

Usability issue

User mentions provide access to information ahead of the blog post's approval.

Currently, when a user is mentioned in a blog posts, they receive a mention immediately. This will happen even if the blog post has not been approved yet (provided that an approval workflow is being used). This way, the mention could leak information to this specific users. 

Surprising but intentional behavior

When copying or moving published blog posts into other spaces, they enter the approval workflow for the target space again.

Otherwise, an enabled workflow could just be circumvented by creating/publishing news in another space and then moving it to a space reserved for important information. All news items are "published" only in the context of their respective space, and this status resets whenever moved into a space with enabled workflow.

Have you found another issue or do you have a stronger need to fix one of these issues? Tell us here.

Simply visit our feedback board in Canny and create a feature idea, vote for existing posts or discuss your ideas with other customers.

Linchpin Events

Already fixed issues

Fixed inIssue TypeDescription of the Issue
General Issue

The "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app in version 1.32.1 causes problems for the Linchpin Intranet Suite.

For more information, follow the link below:

Knowledge Base: "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app causes health checks to freeze and blocks the creation of support zips

Usability issue

Confluence-wide file upload may be broken when Linchpin Events is installed.

There currently is an issue that prevents users from uploading some files to Confluence pages when Linchpin Events is installed in that instance.

Other known issues

Usability issue

Calendar invitations

The ICS format, which Linchpin Events uses to generate calendar invitations, can in some cases behave unexpectedly. This usually depends on the calendar clients being used to import the invitations. If you run into any problems in this area, please reach out to our support team at and also check whether the issue persists in other calendar software!
Right now, we are aware of the following incompatibility:

Lotus Notes Calendar: All-day events spanning across several days are only imported for the start day.

Plugin compatibility

Linchpin Events overrides Space Privacy settings.

When an event is visible to all users (and not restricted to specific spaces), all users will be able to see the event, even if Space Privacy settings would forbid this. This can happen e.g. for events that were created while Space Privacy was not active.

Have you found another issue or do you have a stronger need to fix one of these issues? Tell us here.

Simply visit our feedback board in Canny and create a feature idea, vote for existing posts or discuss your ideas with other customers.

Linchpin Intranet Suite


The "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app in version 1.32.1 causes problems for the Linchpin Intranet Suite.

For more information, follow the link below:

Knowledge Base: "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app causes health checks to freeze and blocks the creation of support zips

Linchpin Launchpad


🏗   We are still gathering information. Please come back later.

Linchpin Mobile

Already Fixed Issues

Fixed inIssue TypeDescription of the Issue
General issue

The "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app in version 1.32.1 causes problems for the Linchpin Intranet Suite.

For more information, follow the link below:

Knowledge Base: "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app causes health checks to freeze and blocks the creation of support zips


Usability issue

Many error messages occur when a user has not accept the Terms of Use yet. 

If a user logs in into Linchpin Mobile without accepting the system's Terms of Use, many error messages will be displayed.


Visual/UI issue

Android: The date and time of an event is displayed incorrectly when the text takes up two lines. 

When viewing an event in Linchpin Mobile, the time and date of an event might be displayed incorrectly if the text reaches a second text line. The text in the second line will then be cut off.


Visual/UI issue

Android: Push notifications icon is not displayed correctly. 

Currently, the push notifications icon might be displayed incorrectly on some Android devices. Currently we know that Android version 7 & 8.1 might be affected.

Other Known Issues

Issue TypeDescription of the Issue
General issue

The "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app in version 1.32.1 causes problems for the Linchpin Intranet Suite.

For more information, follow the link below:

Knowledge Base: "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app causes health checks to freeze and blocks the creation of support zips

Usability issue

Many error messages occur when a user has not accept the Terms of Use yet. 

If a user logs in into Linchpin Mobile without accepting the system's Terms of Use, many error messages will be displayed.

Visual/UI issue

Android: The date and time of an event is displayed incorrectly when the text takes up two lines. 

When viewing an event in Linchpin Mobile, the time and date of an event might be displayed incorrectly if the text reaches a second text line. The text in the second line will then be cut off.

Visual/UI issue

Android: Push notifications icon is not displayed correctly. 

Currently, the push notifications icon might be displayed incorrectly on some Android devices. Currently we know that Android version 7 & 8.1 might be affected.

Usability issue

Android: PIN is requested too often.

Currently, on Android devices, if you set up a PIN for your app, Linchpin Mobile will ask you to enter the PIN in various situations, like when giving feedback or taking a picture to insert it into the Microblog. We know that it happens too often and we try to think of a good solution.

Usability issue

Some CMYK images might not be displayed.

When an image of the CMYK color model is uploaded to your Confluence instance, Linchpin Mobile might have troubles opening said image and might display an error message.

Usability issue

If a user didn't accept the Terms of Use yet, Linchpin Mobile won't automatically generate content on login.

This bug relates to the other Terms of Use bug. If a user logs in into Linchpin Mobile without having accepted the Terms of Use, the content (for example the news) won't load automatically. The user has to refresh the page by themselves for the content to load.

Usability issue

Android: Connection issues to system which use mobile device management (MDM).

If your Linchpin system lies behind a firewall/VPN of a MDM, connection errors might occur. We are actively working on sorting this issue out and improve the connection between Linchpin and MDMs.

Usability issue

Swipe gestures make it possible to re-enter the onboarding module.

After a user initially started Linchpin Mobile and completed the onboarding regarding push notifications and analytics, they can return to this screen if they use a swipe gesture for "back". This is not intended.

Usability issue

The "Date input" field gets corrupted on mobile devices. 4.2.0 USER PROFILES 3.0.0

The "Date input" field can be corrupted (saving the field would result in an error 400) when another user profile field uses an empty space as an ending character.

Visual/UI issue

Android: Sometimes, the text placeholder for the first PIN request doesn't work.

When you initially start Linchpin Mobile and have activated the PIN feature, the text placeholder (for example: Please enter your PIN code) isn't displayed correctly. Instead, the i18n-key is shown (for example:

Visual/UI issue

Using gestures to navigate through the app might lead to buggy animations.

When a user uses a swipe back gesture, for example to leave a menu, and it happens very quickly after some element has been loaded, the animations and the reload of the content might have some bugs.

Visual/UI issue

User search might display an error message although it works correctly.

Sometimes, the user search might display an error message that the search failed. It is not the case and after some time, all relevant search results will be displayed. We are investigating this issue.

Have you found another issue or do you have a stronger need to fix one of these issues? Tell us here.

Simply visit our feedback board in Canny and create a feature idea, vote for existing posts or discuss your ideas with other customers.

Linchpin News Digest

Already fixed issues

Status of the Bug

Issue TypeDescription of the Issue
General issue

The "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app in version 1.32.1 causes problems for the Linchpin Intranet Suite.

For more information, follow the link below:

Knowledge Base: "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app causes health checks to freeze and blocks the creation of support zips

Linchpin Onboarding

Already fixed issues

Fixed inIssue TypeDescription of the Issue
General issue

The "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app in version 1.32.1 causes problems for the Linchpin Intranet Suite.

For more information, follow the link below:

Knowledge Base: "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app causes health checks to freeze and blocks the creation of support zips

Other Known Issues

Issue TypeDescription of the Issue
Usability issue

Browser's back button might lead to data loss.

If you hit the "back" button in your browser, it won't take you back to the last step of the onboarding process. Instead it will take you to the very first step and all entered data will be lost.

Display issue

Progress bar might display white gaps.

During the onboarding process, a progress bar indicates when you're done with the setup. In some browsers, the bar shows white gaps between the individual steps. It doesn't look perfect, but it won't affect the app in any other way.

Linchpin Personalized Content

Already fixed issues

Fixed inIssue TypeDescription of the Issue
General issue

The "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app in version 1.32.1 causes problems for the Linchpin Intranet Suite.

For more information, follow the link below:

Knowledge Base: "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app causes health checks to freeze and blocks the creation of support zips

Linchpin Pings

Already fixed issues

Status of the BugIssue TypeDescription of the Bug
General issue

The "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app in version 1.32.1 causes problems for the Linchpin Intranet Suite.

For more information, follow the link below:

Knowledge Base: "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app causes health checks to freeze and blocks the creation of support zips

Other known issues

Issue TypeDescription of the Bug
Usability issue

When translating a notice, the preview text in original language is missing.

Linchpin Pings works with Linchpin Translations and allows to translate all notices. When you do so, usually a window will open, showing you the original text (in the default language) and an option to add a new locale and a new translation. Currently, this preview text is missing. The text itself is not deleted, but it does not appear in the preview box, making it a bit harder to translate.

Linchpin Theme

Already fixed issues

Fixed inIssue TypeDescription of the Issue

General issue

The "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app in version 1.32.1 causes problems for the Linchpin Intranet Suite.

For more information, follow the link below:

Knowledge Base: "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app causes health checks to freeze and blocks the creation of support zips


General issue

The Confluence site logo image causes a "to many open files" issue. CONFL. BUG

Even after increasing the open file limit as described here Too many open files error, it does not prevent Confluence to crash.

Actually, the issue is based on the Confluence platform itself even though it appears that the Linchpin Theme app is involved.

The data storage of the logo which is uploaded via the Linchpin theme configuration (/admin/linchpin/theme/configure.action) is always a Base64-encoded string, i.e. it is not a file nor attachment and ultimately not stored in the file system.

However, the Linchpin theme also sets the regular site logo of Confluence as well using a standard Confluence API method. That site logo can be seen even without an active or applied Linchpin theme (e.g. in the admin area on the top left). As a matter of fact, that Confluence site logo is an attachment file, i.e. a file in the file system which can be affected by the stated issue.

Solution: As we learned through our customer support case, the Confluence system has been upgraded to version 7.16.2 while using Java 8. Once they've updated their system to Java 11 the customer was able to fix the problem.


Usability issue

Caches sometimes freeze.  CONFLUENCE 7.10 LTP 2.23.3

We noticed that Linchpin Theme sometimes has an issue with the cache. 
You can observe this error when you look at the header. Often, when there is a problem with the cache, the header will look off.

Solution: Clear your cache. This should solve this issue.


Usability issue

Theme reset to Confluence default after upgrade of Linchpin apps.

Updating Linchpin Theme disables the theme for a brief period. If the Confluence system is accessed by another user during this time, it detects a "missing" theme and resets Confluence to the default theme. 

Solution: To repair this, simply activate the theme again. Starting with Confluence 6.15 this is not an issue anymore, so we suggest updating.


Visual issue

Sidebar icons break when a system is migrated from HTTP to HTTPS.

If you migrate your system from HTTP to HTTPS, the sidebar might display broken icons.

The issue exists because the sidebar uses the base URL of the system to load faster. Sadly, the sidebar does not flush the cache automatically, that's why you have to do it yourself after performing a migration.

Workaround: To fix this issue, please navigate to Confluence administration → Cache management.

Look for the net.seibertmedia.confluence.linchpin-sidebar.cache.sidebar.v2 key and click on the Flush button.


Usability issue

Settings for not showing the menu in space themes get reset.

When using space themes with deactivated menu and upgrading to Linchpin Theme 2.19.x or Linchpin Suite 2.x, the settings for the menu get reset to default. That means that the spaces using those space themes will show the menu.

Workaround: The setting has to be corrected once after the upgrade, from then on they keep their settings.

Other known issues

Issue TypeDescription of the Issue
Usability issue

Teaser images are missing in PDF exports.

Teaser images are missing when a page is exported to a PDF.

Usability issue

A time-out leads to lost changes in menu configuration.

Changes in the menu configuration can disappear when the admin times-out.

Visual issue

A 1/3 page layout makes the Spaces macro disappear.

The Spaces macro can disappear when displayed in a 1/3 page layout.

Visual issue

Pop-ups are displayed in wrong positions.

The login page sometimes can cause pop-ups to appear in wrong positions. This is fixed with Linchpin Theme 2.20.4.

Visual issue

Text inside the header might appear cut-off.

Text inside the action drawer (header) can appear cut-off when it's displayed in two rows.

Visual issue

The placeholder text inside the search bar might appear cut-off.

The placeholder text inside the search bar (for example: "Type to use the search") can appear cut-off.

Compatibility Issue

The following apps and versions are known to have compatibility issues with the Linchpin Theme. These might have been addressed by a more recent release of the third party apps.

  • Announcement Banner for Confluence 1.9.2

Have you found another issue or do you have a stronger need to fix one of these issues? Tell us here.

Simply visit our feedback board in Canny and create a feature idea, vote for existing posts or discuss your ideas with other customers.

Linchpin Touch


🏗   We are still gathering information. Please come back later.

Linchpin Translations

Already fixed known issues

Fixed inIssue TypeDescription of the Issue
General issue

The "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app in version 1.32.1 causes problems for the Linchpin Intranet Suite.

For more information, follow the link below:

Knowledge Base: "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app causes health checks to freeze and blocks the creation of support zips


User experience

Linchpin Translations 1.6.5 duplicates a language pack instead of replacing/updating it.

We introduced a new formatting for the plugin key. It uses the kebab case style. This leads to the issue that existing projects (which don't use the kebab case style in their plugin keys) won't be simply updated but receive a new, duplicate installation which matches the new styling. This can lead to outdated translations being displayed to users.

Workaround: Knowledge Base - Outdated translations due to duplicate language pack installations

It is possible that this issue affects the whole app (and not only profile fields). We are investigating this behavior.

Until then we recommend to avoid using the same values for the translation key and the translation itself.

Other known issues

Issue TypeDescription of the Issue
Usability issue

User profiles: Field labels can't have the same value as translations keys. If they do, the translations won't work.

Let's say your profile field is called "Street" (=field label). Now, you want to create several translations for this field label. If one of those translations is also called "Street", it won't be displayed to the user in their language. Instead, the default value will be displayed.

Linchpin User Profiles

Already fixed issues

Fixed inIssue TypeDescription of the Issue
General issue

The "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app in version 1.32.1 causes problems for the Linchpin Intranet Suite.

For more information, follow the link below:

Knowledge Base: "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app causes health checks to freeze and blocks the creation of support zips

Usability issue

After creating a new Extranet user, profile editor fields are missing. 

After manually creating a new Extranet user, said user, once logged in, won't be seeing restricted profile fields from the profile editor or will see them although they shouldn't.

Workaround: Please clear all caches found under <BaseURL>/admin/cache/showStatistics.action.


Usability issue

Parentheses in filters are treated incorrectly.

Since we have introduced complex filters for your custom landing pages, parentheses in filters are treated as logical characters. Your filter might break if you try to filter by attributes which contain parentheses.

Workaround: Use the wildcard '?' instead of a parenthesis.


Usability issue

Multi-select profile field doesn't support multiple XML tags

When importing XML into a multi-select field, we currently don't support multiple XML tags like <node>A</node><node>B</node>.

Workaround: use JSON array strings in a single tag like <node>["A","B"]</node>. See the corresponding section in our documentation for details about this.


Usability issue

There are problems with profile picture uploads with Internet Explorer.

In some server configurations, a problem can occur when you upload profile pictures via Internet Explorer. This problem leads to a page with the text "Loading...", and the user is unable to resize the picture.

Solution: If this happens, the following snippet can be added to the Apache configuration, which should solve the issue (example for .png-files):

<LocationMatch ".*\.png$">
ForceType image/png
Header set Content-Disposition inline
Header set Content-Type image/png;charset=UTF-8


Usability issue

People Search and List Macro (PSL) and Codeblock (CB) are partially incompatible while editing a page.

If there is a CB macro on a page and you also insert a PSL macro and want to configure the list view the page freezes -> reload necessary.

Workaround: To have both PSL and CB on one page and configure the list view of the PSL, first insert the PSL macro and configure the list view. Then insert the CB macro.

Other known issues

Issue TypeDescription of the Issue
Usability issue

The 'My Contacts' macro isn't being displayed in PDF exports.

Currently, the 'My Contacts' macro isn't being displayed when you export a page to a PDF file.

Usability issue

Links which contain single quotation marks do not work properly.

Inside the configuration of LUP, some links may be broken if they contain the single quotation mark (').

Usability issue

"Profile Updated" by Anonymous due to Confluence Synchronization

When Confluence synchronizes against any external user management, all of the newly created and updated users will be displayed under the "All Updates" section of the 'Recently Updated' macro on the Confluence dashboard.

Considering the amount of users Confluence will create or update from the synchronization, it would be better to be excluded from "All Updates" section or Confluence should provide the option to exclude these updates.

Since Confluence 5.5, you can add the following argument in your JVM options to prevent updates to user information appearing in the dashboard:



Usability issue

Copying content and the 'Content Responsibility' macro

The 'Content Responsibility' macro maintains its own data structure separate from Confluence content (pages, blog posts or dashboards). As a result, when you copy content including the macro (manually or through third-party apps like bitvoodoo's Templates for Blog Posts for Confluence), the resulting pages will require you to fill out the responsible user(s) again and save/update the content. The macro settings will carry over.

Embedding the 'Content Responsibility' macro in blueprints is supported, but the created pages will also need to be saved/updated once for the data to be handled correctly.

Usability issue

The "Date input" field gets corrupted on mobile devices. 3.0.0  MOBILE 4.2.0

The "Date input" field can be corrupted (saving the field would result in an error 400) when another user profile field uses an empty space as an ending character.

Visual /  UI issues

Sometimes the profile editor displays Skype configuration options for the XMPP instant messenger field type.

If a Skype IM field was created first, and then a XMPP IM field is created, the profile editor will still display the configuration for Skype instead the one for XMPP.

Visual /  UI issues

The 'Customized User List' macro displays horizontal lines double. 

The horizontal lines separating profile fields are displayed double inside the macro.

Visual /  UI issues

If a second Skype for Business instant messenger fields is configured to show the online status, a wrong message appears.

If a second Skype for Business instant messenger field is inserted into a profile and it's configured to show the online status, a message asking to replace profile field data will be displayed (this should not be the case).

Have you found another issue or do you have a stronger need to fix one of these issues? Tell us here.

Simply visit our feedback board in Canny and create a feature idea, vote for existing posts or discuss your ideas with other customers.

Microblogging for Confluence

Already fixed issues

Fixed inIssue TypeDescription of the Issue
General issue

The "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app in version 1.32.1 causes problems for the Linchpin Intranet Suite.

For more information, follow the link below:

Knowledge Base: "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app causes health checks to freeze and blocks the creation of support zips



Usability issue

Attachments can't be edited. 

In version 5.0.x, it's not possible to edit attachments. 


Incompatibilities with third party apps

MultiExcerpt by Artemis Software

The Microblog is not compatible with the MultiExcerpt app by Artemis Software in versions 5.2.16 and above.

The MultiExcerpt app causes the Microblog to freeze the page, when entering mentions, quotes or links, adding a new line, pasting images and other cases.

Workaround: We suggest downgrading to Version 5.2.15 or uninstalling the MultiExcerpt app.

Other known issues

Issue TypeDescription of the Issue
Usability issue

Attachments are deleted from the server even without saving the changes.

When attachments are deleted during an edit, but the changes are not saved, the attachments will still be deleted from the server (and the preview links won't work).

Usability issue

Blog posts which use the Microblog macro can't be deleted.

Currently, the blog posts which use the Microblog macro can't be deleted.

Usability issue

Rare bug prevents the usage of links inside the editor.

In isolated cases, problems with links might occur. A very rare bug can occur where it's not possible to input the link address and thus it's not possible to create hyperlinks inside the editor.

Visual/UI issue

SVG files may not be displayed correctly in the Microblog.

Currently, due to the differences in image sizes, SVG files might not be displayed properly in the Microblog.

Visual/UI issue

Two buttons, one icon - "Select all" and "Deselect all" buttons use the same icon.

The "Select all" and "Deselect all" buttons inside the Microblog portal currently have the same icon.

Visual/UI issue

Very long space and topic names can lead to text overlaps.

A visual error may occur with topic and space names. Very long space and topic names can lead to text overlaps.


With Confluence >= 8.5.15 and Events 3.14.0, a display error occurs in the file preview of documents (“Oops...”).

The error is known and will be patched with the update of the suite to 5.10.3 or Linchpin Events 3.14.1. Until then, customers should open a support ticket to receive an upcoming version that fixes the bug.

Looking for an alternative in the Cloud? 

Besides offering apps like Linchpin Intranet Suite, that is available for Atlassian Data Center, we also have apps for Confluence Cloud in our portfolio.

Like Mantra, the intranet for Confluence Cloud, developed by our joint-venture AppAnvil (known for hits like Aura & Karma).

Test the intranet for Confluence Cloud now for free: 

Discover Mantra

This page was last edited on 10/11/2024.