Linchpin – your fully personalized central collaboration hub

Linchpin provides you with a centralized information and collaboration platform, with an open and transparent teamwork environment. Linchpin connects employees, no matter their time or location. Everyone has a personalized user-experience tailored only to them.

Back to the Documentation Overview


Thematic breakdown

The Linchpin Intranet Suite documentation is divided into several parts. All child apps of the Linchpin Intranet Suite have their own documentations. Depending on the child app/functionality, a documentation can get quite huge. That's why we decided to split it up.

Other resources

Here you will find resources like the APIs documentation, compatibility, older releases and known issues (if applicable).

Use cases & practical tips

In this section you will find practical tips for Linchpin.

This page was last edited on 08/14/2024.