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Sadly, we aren't perfect. But we are trying to get there! Some issues might appear when using Linchpin Enterprise News.

Already fixed issues

Fixed inIssue TypeDescription of the Issue
General Issue

The "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app in version 1.32.1 causes problems for the Linchpin Intranet Suite.

For more information, follow the link below:

Knowledge Base: "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app causes health checks to freeze and blocks the creation of support zips

Usability issue

E-mail notifications are sent ahead of the blog post's approval.

Currently, if a user subscribed to notifications for all blog posts, the e-mails are being sent the moment a blog post is created. Normally they should be sent only after a blog post has been approved (provided that an approval workflow is being used).

Usability issue

Notifications are sent before a post is published.

If a blog post is scheduled, under certain conditions notifications will be sent before the scheduled time has arrived. This behavior occurs, if a user has watched all blogs or is following the creator and in addition has writing permissions to the news space.

Other known issues

Issue TypeDescription of the Issue
Add-on compatibility

Brikit Theme - loss of metadata

When Linchpin Enterprise News is used in combination with Brikit Theme, saving a blog post results in lost metadata (teaser settings, publish time etc.) of the blog post.

Add-on compatibility

NoEmailStorm - missing buttons

When Linchpin Enterprise News is used in combination with NoEmailStorm, NoEmailStorm buttons won't be displayed while editing blog posts.

Usability issue

The blog post preview is broken for anonymous users.

Currently, the blog post preview doesn't display all elements for anonymous users.

Usability issue

Blog posts created via API do not enter approval workflow.

If a blog post is created via an API, e.g. by a third party app, in a workflow space, it is published immediately and does not enter the approval workflow. Blog post can only enter the approval workflow, if they are created with the editor.

Usability issue

Confluence's notification mail displays the last person who made changes to a blog post as its author.

If person A creates a blog post and submits it for approval, and person B fixes a typo (or changes anything else in the blog post) and then approves it, the mail that is sent out from Confluence displays person B as the author.

Usability issue

User mentions provide access to information ahead of the blog post's approval.

Currently, when a user is mentioned in a blog posts, they receive a mention immediately. This will happen even if the blog post has not been approved yet (provided that an approval workflow is being used). This way, the mention could leak information to this specific users. 

Surprising but intentional behavior

When copying or moving published blog posts into other spaces, they enter the approval workflow for the target space again.

Otherwise, an enabled workflow could just be circumvented by creating/publishing news in another space and then moving it to a space reserved for important information. All news items are "published" only in the context of their respective space, and this status resets whenever moved into a space with enabled workflow.

Have you found another issue or do you have a stronger need to fix one of these issues? Tell us here.

Simply visit our feedback board in Canny and create a feature idea, vote for existing posts or discuss your ideas with other customers.

Looking for an alternative in the Cloud? 

Besides offering apps like Linchpin Intranet Suite, that is available for Atlassian Data Center, we also have apps for Confluence Cloud in our portfolio.

Like Mantra, the intranet for Confluence Cloud, developed by our joint-venture AppAnvil (known for hits like Aura & Karma).

Test the intranet for Confluence Cloud now for free: 

Discover Mantra

This page was last edited on 06/04/2024.