Your Confluence pages in many languages.

Same content. Multiple languages.
Everything linked together.

Welcome to the Language Manager!

This guide was created to help you with the setup of the Language Manager. See what can be configured and how you can do it.

For more information, be sure to view the Language Manager documentation.

Installation & licensing

Please refer to Atlassian's installation instructions: 

Installation via the Universal Plugin Manager

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Log in to your Confluence instance as an administrator.

  2. Open the Confluence general administration.
    1. Click on the Find new apps link in the sidebar.
  3. Enter "Language Manager" in the search field (marked by the text "Search the Marketplace"), then press Enter.
  4. Click on "Free trial" to test the app for 30 days, or click on "Buy now" when you want to purchase a license for the Language Manager.
  5. You'll be prompted to register for or log into MyAtlassian.
  6. Language Manager will be automatically downloaded and installed after you log-in.

NEW IN VERSION 2.1 Index the content

Once the Language Manager plugin was installed, you will be asked to index your content.

We highly recommend to do that. This action will rebuild the search index and enable a quicker start of work with the Language Manager.

This pop-up window will appear inside the Confluence administration. Please click on the Start indexing now button to index the content.

How long this process takes depends on the amount of content to index. This process might make your system a bit slower while it's at work.

Define page languages

Navigate to the page or blog post of your choice.

Click on the three dots context menu  button. A context menu will open. Now, click on the Language Manager button.

A new window called Manage Language Links will open. Here, click on the Select language drop-down menu next to the name of the page/blog post.

Enter the language of your choice. You can either type in the language or choose from the list.

Click the Save button after you chose the language.

A pop-up dialog will appear. You should reload the page to see the changes.

You may not see any changes after a page reload. This is normal if there is no link established yet. Once at least two pages are linked to each other, a button to switch languages will appear.


Enter Space tools

To manage language links of all pages and blog posts in a space, navigate to the space of your choice.

Once inside the correct space, navigate to Space tools > Manage languages. You can find the space tools inside the left Confluence sidebar.

Find the Language Links hub.

Click on the edit  button next to the page/blog post you want to link with other pages.

Then, click on the + Add Link button. Now you can select the page/blog post you want to link. Just type in the name of the page/blog post. Select the right page/blog post from the drop-down menu. 

Click on the Select language button. A drop-down menu will open. Select the language of the linked page/blog post.

Click on the Save button. Reload the page.

Please note that you are not allowed to edit language links when you are missing edit permissions for at least one linked page.

Pages which you can't see, because of missing permissions, will also be displayed with a censored page title, so that no information can be leaked.

Use the preview button to view the linked page/blog post. This way you can make sure that you selected the right page/blog post.

Safety Guidelines

We strongly recommend the following Confluence configuration settings to avoid potential security risks:

Make sure people are not allowed to register their own accounts, especially without restriction to your domain.

If you allow anonymous access, make sure anonymous users don't have permission to create or edit anything anywhere (pages, blogposts, comments, attachments etc. in any space).
If you configure your instance differently, you do so at your own risk.

This page was last edited on 06/12/2024.