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Where to find the LDAP Sync Report

Navigate to Confluence administration → Linchpin → User Profiles → LDAP Sync Report.

Information provided by the Sync Report

The LDAP Sync Report will display various detailed information about the performed syncs.

The sync features a list of jobs that have been run, the dates on which they have been run, their duration and the amount of synced profiles and errors.

Click on the more button next to a job that has been run.

The detailed view will provide more information about a sync. For example, which configuration was used.

f your LDAP Sync Report is empty, you need to run at least one scheduled job (in this case: LUP: Bulk profile update (LDAP sync)).

You can also wait until the job is performed automatically, if you have scheduled one

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This page was last edited on 06/05/2024.