Enterprise News Bundle

Share your company's news with your employees

See the documentation for your Release

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General idea

The Enterprise News Bundle includes macros like Cover Stories or Corporate News Feed that display an overview over several news items. For those macros to look attractive, you can use the News Teaser macro in your blog post. 

Insert the news teaser macro in your blog post

Write your news as a blog post just like you are used to it. Additionally you can add the News Teaser macro that comes with the Enterprise News Bundle. It offers you a selection of four different styles for your teaser from which you can choose irrespective of the actual content of your news. For example you can use a big image as teaser, without that image being shown inside the actual content.

Choose your news type


In order to use an image as teaser you'll have to append the image file to the blog post first. It doesn't have to be part of the content though. You don't have to use an image with exact the right size, just make sure it's large enough to fill the space to avoid quality loss.

There is no recommendation for a perfect aspect ratio or image size, because this largely depends on how your Cover Stories are embedded. Each news item can appear in various places: large and small Cover Stories tiles and News Feeds. Therefore the Enterprise News Bundle uses an automatic image cropping and scaling mechanism that determines the most important part of the image and places the image accordingly. Please note that this automatism might run into problems if you configure your Cover Stories tiles to have extreme aspect ratios (very flat images or very tall and thin ones).


 If you choose title on color, you simply select on of two predefined colors. The title of the blog post will be used for this automatically, and it works best with rather short titles.

 If you choose a video as news teaser, simply provide the URL to the video. Clicking on the tile will open the video in an overlay.


To show a quote you'll choose the news type Quotation. The quote you use is not identical with the title of the blog post.




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This content was last updated on 10/23/2017.

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