On this page
How does it work?
Normally, under Confluence standards, pages are published instantly. Linchpin Enterprise News offers an alternative: Define a publication date and time and prepare several news articles in advance!
The Publish button will change to a Schedule button and your blog post will be published when the scheduled date and time are reached. Speaking technically, the news articles will be hidden for other users until the publication date is met, then they become visible for everyone (normal permissions still apply).
The same concept is valid for the expiry date. Once the expiry date is met, the news article will become hidden for users.
News that haven't reached their publication date yet and news that are expired are not completely invisible. They are moved to a special space within your Confluence to which regular users have no access.
Set publication and expiry dates
First, create a new blog post or edit an existing blog post.
Click on the Additional information for this blog post button. You will find this button at the very top of the page.
Navigate to the Schedule publication tab.
Activate the Publication (and/or Expiry) checkbox.
Enter the date and time for the publication and/or expiry.
Once you are done, click on the Save additional information button and publish your blog post.

View all scheduled news
The News scheduling overview displays all blog posts which have been scheduled for a future publication. The overview also features already expired blog posts.
To access the News scheduling overview, click on your profile picture within the header and click on the News scheduling overview button.

Time zone support
Wherever there's a date or a date and time, Linchpin Enterprise News will show it to you in your time zone.
To find out in which time zone you are located, we look at the settings in your browser, which in turn takes the info from the settings on your computer.
Confluence provides separate time zone settings, too. We ignore the Confluence setting, though, and use your computer settings for Linchpin Enterprise News.
We do that because, from experience, we can tell that most people don't even know about this Confluence setting, let alone set it to the correct value. We assume that most people will have the time set to the correct time zone on their computers, though.