Confluence Protractor Base

Automated UI Tests for Confluence

The Confluence Protractor Base is a simple solution to implement und run UI tests for Atlassian Confluence. It provides basic functionality like creating pages, spaces, users and groups as well as login, authenticate as admin and open pages.

Download the Confluence Protractor Base at npmjs


>> npm install confluence-protractor-base

First Steps

  1. Start a local Confluence instance
  2. Checkout the project and switch to the directory
  3. Install requirements
    npm install
  4. Update webdriver manager
    npm run webdriver-update
  5. Start the webdriver manager
    npm run webdriver-start
  6. run UI tests in another console window (e2e means End-to-End)
    npm run test-e2e

Local Confluence instance

First of all you need a local Confluence instance.

The instance should be locally available under http://localhost:1990/confluence (Atlassian® SDK standard)

This can be done via the Atlassian SDK or with a Docker container

Atlassian SDK

Start a local Confluence test instance using the Atlassian® SDK

atlas-run-standalone --product confluence

Docker container

Start a local Confluence® docker instance\

Supported Platforms

We have tested the confluence-protractor-base with

  • Confluence 5.7 - 6.7


See Issues

Known issues

Page edit with synchrony (concurrent editing)

Page edit with synchrony enabled may be unstable. All page objects inheriting from ConfluenceBase have a
disableSynchrony() method to prevent problems. Example:

const upm = new UniversalPluginManager();
  • No labels

This content was last updated on 02/10/2018.

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