Documentation's navigation

On this page

Where to find the design settings

Navigate to Confluence administration > Linchpin Theme > Configuration > Navigation.

Here you can configure the design of your navigation menu.

Design of the menu bar

Display navigation

Active the show button to display the menu.

Active the hide button to hide the menu.


Background color

Set the background color for your navigation menu.

Input a color hex value (for example #ffffff for white). Alternatively, select a color with the built-in color picker.


Background color opacity

Move the slider to set the background color opacity in percentage. 

0% opacity means that the background color won't be visible at all. 100% opacity means that the color will be shown completely.


Background hover color

Set the hover color for your menu entries.

Every time you hover over a menu entry with the mouse, the entry will receive the background color you choose here.

Enter a hex value or use the built-in color picker.

What is a hover effect?

A hover effect changes the look of an element whenever a mouse cursor enters the element's area.

Notice how the background color and the text color of "Onboarding" change. That's a hover effect.

Text color

Define the text color for your menu entries. 

Enter a hex value or use the built-in color picker.


Text color on hover

Define the text hover color for your menu entries.

Every time you hover over a menu entry with the mouse, the text color of the entry will change to the color you choose here.

Enter a hex value or use the built-in color picker.




Design of submenu entries

Background color on hover

Set the hover color for your submenu entries.

Every time you hover over a submenu entry with the mouse, the entry will receive the background color you choose here.

Enter a hex value or use the built-in color picker.

Text color

Define the text color for your submenu entries. 

Enter a hex value or use the built-in color picker.

Text color on hover

Define the text hover color for your submenu entries.

Every time you hover over a submenu entry with the mouse, the text color of the entry will change to the color you choose here.

Enter a hex value or use the built-in color picker.


Make sure that your theme is active


Please note: Make sure that Linchpin Theme is active.

Visit our documentation on how to activate your theme to learn more.

Looking for an alternative in the Cloud? 

Besides offering apps like Linchpin Intranet Suite, that is available for Atlassian Data Center, we also have apps for Confluence Cloud in our portfolio.

Like Mantra, the intranet for Confluence Cloud, developed by our joint-venture AppAnvil (known for hits like Aura & Karma).

Test the intranet for Confluence Cloud now for free: 

Discover Mantra

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This page was last edited on 06/05/2024.