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Configuration examples

Simple configuration


Type: Space

Operator: Comes from any of these

Items: News Washington, News Frankfurt, Global News


A news digest email with this configuration would include all news located in the News Washington, News Frankfurt and Global News spaces. Remember: The news item has to meet at least one of the criteria - which means that all news located in those spaces will be featured in the digest email.

A more complex set of rules

Rule 1

Type: Space

Operator: Comes from any of these

Items: News Washington, News Berlin, Urgent News


Rule 2

Type: Category

Operator: Has all of these

Items: Finance & Sales


Rule 3

Type: Label

Operator: Has all of these

Items: licenses


A news digest email with this configuration would include all news located in the News Washington, News Berlin and Urgent News spaces if they're also of the Finance & Sales category and if they also contain the label licenses

News which meet only some of those criteria will NOT be included.

For example: A news of the category Finance & Sales which is located in the Global News space but has no label attached to it will not be featured in the news digest email.

The rules (connected with the AND operator) require that all three rules are met.

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This page was last edited on 06/05/2024.