After installing AutoPage on your cloud instance, you will be able to reach the configuration via the upperleft cog-icon (Apps) or Project left side panel.

App Access

Due to security reasons the App is actually only accessible for Users with Admin Permissions. In the upcoming releases the App will also be available for other users.

For creating a new rule, just hit the Create rule button to bring up the creation dialog.

An AutoPage rule consists of four essential blocks, that have to be configured. In the following steps, we will guide you through every single step.

Create trigger

There are multiple options to trigger a rule. You can combine all available triggers. Just Activate them with the toggle.

Issue Events

The following events can be used as triggers:


It is possible to use only one event, all events or any combination.

Incoming Webhook

AutoPage Rules can be triggered by incoming Webhooks. You can fire a REST-API-Call with any method.

This trigger is the perfect option to integrate with Jira Automation and support a lot more use cases with the powerful Jira Automation rule engine  (e.g. Version released, Sprint finished, Pull request approved, ...). See how to set up AutoPage with Jira Automation in this example.


If you integrate with a custom REST-API-Call please have in mind that you need to add the issue-ID in the Call.

Create condition

The condition is a filter to specify, which issues should trigger the rule. The condition uses JQL to filter issues, based on certain criteria.
If you are unfamiliar with JQL, you might want to take a look at the offical Atlassian documentation.

A simple JQL example would be something like this:

project = DEV AND issueType = Bug

This would limit the rule to only Bugs from the DEV project.

Create action

The third part during the rule setup is the create action. 
In this step, we are going to define the title, the source template and the destination of the created page. 

The title can be just plain text, but can also be made dynamically with Smart Values. The format used is ${key} (this would evaluate to the issue key).
A complete list of supported smart values can be found here.

The bottom part defines the confluence settings. On the left hand side, the space containing the template and the template page need to be selected.
On the right hand side, the destination can be configured. The first dropdown defines the space, where the new page should be created and the second dropdown defines the parent page in the space tree.

Rule details

Last but not least you need to enter some rule details.
A name is requierd and a short description is recommended, to better help your team mates identify the rule.

Optionally, you can active/deactivate the rule. 

After that, just hit save and you are ready to go.

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This content was last updated on 07/18/2023.

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