- Created by Seibert Media employee, last modified on Apr 12, 2018
Access your intranet's App Center
Where your intranet shows the App Center depends on the installed theme. In a standard Confluence installation you'll find a link to the App Center in the topmost bar, the application header. Simply click on the button App Center and it will open and show all apps.
App Center
My Apps
Inside the App Center the topmost category is called "My Apps". This section shows all apps you have favorited previously. This is useful if your intranet offers a wide selection of apps of which you are using only a small number regularly. By favoriting those, you have quick access to the apps you use most often. Additionally you can display those on any page within your intranet.
Depending on the installed theme there might even be a preconfigured section "My Apps" on your dashboard which shows your favorites.
To mark an app as favorite, simply click on the star icon.
To unfavorite it, click on the star icon again.
App Center
New in App Center
These Apps have been recently created and you also should have a meesage about that in your notification box.
Recommended Apps
Depending on the way your administrator configured the App Center, there might be a section "Recommended Apps". These recommendations can be personalized based on your profile information. For example there could be recommendations based on your language, your division or other criteria. This helps you selecting important apps, but they'll only show up in your "My Apps" section if you favorite them manually.
This feature is optional, so if you don't see any recommended apps, it's probably not configured.
Apps can be assigned to one or more categories. This can be useful if you have a large amount of Apps. Categories can be folded to have a better overview. Within a category you can have nested categories. All categories are unfolded by default.
In the image on the left the normal categories are "Atlassian Software" and "Marketing", whereas "Marketing" contains a sub category "Social Media".
Unassigned Apps
All Apps without a category will be shown within the Unassigned Apps container. In this case the "SEIBERT MEDIA" app.
Mandatory apps
Picture shows status with different stars display: not favored app, mandatory app and favored app (from left to right)
Depending on the way your administrator configured the App Center, there might be a section "Mandatory Apps". These apps can be personalized based on your profile information. For example there could be mandatory apps based on your language, your division or other criteria. These apps will automatically be added to your "My Apps" section and can't be un-favorised (The star next to the app is disabled).
This feature is optional, so if you don't see any mandatory apps, it's probably not configured.
App Visibility
Your admin can define if an app should be visible only for defined users depending on their profile information. If you can't see an app which is visible for other people in your company, this might be the reason.
You can export apps as a HTML bookmark list.
Apps Macro
Insert Macro
To display a selection of apps on a Confluence page, select the "Apps" macro from the macro browser. No additional configuration is needed. The macro displays all those apps you marked as favorite on the page by default. Usually the dashboard is a great place to insert this macro. Depending on your theme there might be other suitable places.
Customize Macro
Navigate to the editing view of the page where you want to embed this list. Then pick the "Apps" macro from the macro browser and embed it. The macro configuration offers an input field. Type in a comma separated list of keys of the apps you want to display. At this point it's necessary to do this by hand. In later versions we plan to offer a comprehensive list to let you choose from instead of typing in the keys.
If you want to configure the displayed selection you have the following options
App source
Name | Description |
My apps | Show the current users favourite apps |
My apps without mandatory apps | Show the current users favourite apps, but without the automatically assigned "mandatory apps" |
Manadatory apps | Show only the automatically assigned "mandatory apps" |
Selection by title | You can also display a hand-picked list of apps on a page. Just search for app by its title. |
Choose between a detailed and compact layout. The detailed layout is used in the AppCenter view and provides further detail when hovering the app, whereas the compat layout has no details.
- No labels
This content was last updated on 04/12/2018.
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