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As an administrator, Extranet Space Manager or Extranet User Manager, you can access the extranet administration via Space tools.

Users & groups

Assign users and groups

You can add existing users and groups to your extranet space via the "Users" or "Groups" tab.
Extranet User Managers are not able to assign groups to an extranet space, because space administration rights are required.

All users must be assigned a role. Users have different permissions depending on their roles.
You can select from five roles by default.

If you want to inform a newly added user that they now have access to your extranet space, you can send them a welcome email.
You can set the language of the email your newly assigned user will receive.
To see what the message will look like, simply click 'welcome email' to see a preview.

List all extranet users and groups

You can see an overview of all users and groups assigned to your extranet space.

You can search for users and groups using the search field, and/or filter the list for a specific role.

Delete users or groups using the trash icon. When users are deleted from an extranet space, they no longer have access to the space, and can't see users or content within the space.

When adding users, any existing Confluence groups that the user is in will not be deleted. The app also searches for LDAP users, even if they are not part of a Confluence group yet.

Create user (optional)

If you have configured the Space Privacy - Extranet for Confluence app appropriately, you can create new users as an Extranet Space Manager or Extranet User Manager within your current extranet space. Just go to the Create User tab and fill in the information of the user you want to create.

You can also decide if the user should be able to set their own password ...

.. or you can enter a password for them.

If there is no tab for creating users, your administrator has not configured this.

Administrator roles

To assign a new Extranet Space Manager or Extranet User Manager for the current extranet space, you can select users or groups in the tab Admin Roles. You can also delete existing Extranet Space Managers and Extranet User Managers in this tab.
Extranet Space Managers and Extranet User Managers are able to see all users in the system.

Only Global Administrators and Extranet Space Managers can assign other users to extranet administrator roles. 

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This content was last updated on 08/31/2018.

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