Please note that we no longer offer support for this app as it has been removed from the Marketplace.

1) Connect your Jira instance


The "Issue Manager" plugin needs an established application link to one or more Jira instances. Please refer the Atlassian documentation for further deatils: Application Links Documentation.

You can see the established application links for your Confluence instance via: <base-url>/plugins/servlet/applinks/listApplicationLinks

The "Issue Manager" wraps an alias around an established application link. This adds the possibility to change the connected Jira, without changing all inserted issue macros (as it would be necessary with Atlassians Jira Issue Manager).

You can choose any application link for your Confluence instance and add a speaking alias name.

If the application links works you are ready to go!

2) Create a Jira Issue in your Confluence

First: Search for the Issue Manager Issue macro and click on it.

In the new pop up window you can easily create a new JIRA issue.

You can choose between a compact and a full width Layout (can also be changed afterwards).

At first you have to select in which project the new issue should be created.

The "Issue Manager" app loads the configured creation masks from Jira for the selected project.

So you have the completely same fields like in your Jira.

Then just click insert to create the issue and insert it in you Confluence page.

(warning) Please note that not all, but most custom field types are currently supported. If you need a special type, do not hesitate to contact us.

Your issue will look like this on your page, depending if you select the compact or fullwidth layout

3) Create a Jira form

Search for the Issue Manager form macro and click on it.

With the "Form Macro" you can add an issue creation form to any page.

You have to specify

  • A Jira project
  • The issue type

You may also configure if an issue link should be established for newly created issues.

(warning) Currently only one Form Macro per page is allowed!

Your form will look something like this on your page, depending on which field types are selected in the project you chose.

  • No labels
This page was last edited on 04/18/2024.