Intranet for
Atlassian Cloud

You are looking for an intranet based on Confluence Cloud? We can help you to find the perfect solution.

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Intranet for Confluence Cloud - Coming Soon!

The future of the Atlassian Universe is in the cloud, that's for sure. But how does this affect the future of intranet solutions based on Confluence? There is an already existing full-featured intranet solution for the on-premise Confluence with Linchpin Intranet Suite. We’re still working on also improving our offer regarding an intranet for Confluence Cloud and plan on presenting a fully comprehensive intranet solution for Confluence Cloud until Q2/2023.

However, if you cannot wait and would like to start right away with an intranet based on Confluence Cloud, we might as well have a suitable solution for you. Implement seperate intranet use cases in Confluence just now with our Cloud Apps.

Are you interested in learning more about the topic? Please feel free to contact us. We're looking forward to hearing from you.

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Florian Schneider

Contact for
intranet and modern workplace

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Intranet Use Cases


Our Confluence Cloud apps cover all the functionalities provided by an intranet. Take your Confluence Cloud experience to a new level, by enriching it with popular use cases that we have learned and explored over our many years of experience with the Linchpin Intranet Suite for Confluence DC/Server. From an individual navigation bar, through events & up to a news feed. Try it yourself! Our Confluence Cloud apps are currently free and can be downloaded from the Atlassian Marketplace.

Go to Cloud Apps

Appealing Confluence Pages with Aura


Create visually appealing and engaging content in Confluence with the easy to use and intuitive Aura macro suite. Aura provides macros for the confluence page builder, that you can easily embed, customize & fill with you own content. Highlight the content that matters. Provide intuitive navigation & enhance readability. Aura macro suite can be downloaded from the Atlassian Marketplace and has a free trial of 30 days.

More about Aura

Yet relying on Confluence OnPrem?


You're not ready (yet) for Atlassian Cloud but still want to use Confluence as intranet platform? Linchpin Intranet Suite is the perfect solution for you. Linchpin is a fully comprehensive intranet based on Confluence OnPremise. The basic functions in combination with our utilized app extensions create a modern collaboration platform that can be precisely adapted to the needs and requirements of your company.

More about Linchpin

Send your request

Do you have any questions regarding the topic of intranet? Want to chat about solutions? Or you're just interested in learning more about the future of Cloud Intranet at Seibert Media? We are looking forward to hearing from you!


I love Linchpin Intranet Suite. But do you have a solution for Atlassian Cloud?

We have been working on Linchpin for Atlassian Confluence Server and Data Center for years with multiple development teams. There is no comparable intranet solution for Atlassian Confluence Cloud available at this point.

However there is a combination of Cloud apps that we have built and that we are building at this moment that can help you find a suitable solution in the future with Confluence Cloud.

Contact us via the form above to learn more. We can also help you with your migration path and understand exactly which features may be different or not available and how to cope with this situation.

Are there any apps for Confluence Cloud which help me set up an intranet?

We do not offer Linchpin for Confluence Cloud yet, but we have a bunch of apps which support you to set up an intranet. This includes navigation, news, events and some other use cases. You can find more information on this page. All of them are free at the moment.

We’re still working on improving our offer regarding an intranet for Confluence Cloud and we’d be happy if you get in touch with us so we can talk about your requirements. To do so, please make an appointment or use the form above.

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This page was last edited on 06/28/2024.