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Jira and System Admins

Agile Hive Settings


Jira or System Administrators can access the Agile Hive Settings in Jira's Manage Apps section. These settings are used to configure the property calculation mechanisms that Agile Hive uses to pre-calculate Report, Planning Board or Burn Up Chart data.

It also provides the possibility to define an alternative link for the dependencies in Agile Hive.

Select an Administrator user

Please make sure, that you choose an Admin User before you start working with Agile Hive. This user will be used to set the properties necessary for the Reports and the Planning Board. Without this user, no properties will be set and as a result, Planning Board and Reports will not work.

If you worked on issues that are in an Agile Hive managed ART before choosing this user, make sure, you use the Manual re-calculation feature on the Settings page. This will trigger the property generation for all issues in your Agile Hive hierarchy and will fix Reports and Planning Board data. The manual re-calculation won't work either, if the Admin User has not been set. The same is true for the project specific property calculations.

Make sure, this user has "Browse Projects" and "Edit Issues" permissions for all projects within your Agile Hive managed projects.

Manual re-calculation

This allows for a complete re-calculation of all properties within Agile Hive. Depending on your system-size and also the amounts of PIs in the past, this operation will take a lot of time. That's why we would only recommend this if you really want to recalculate all properties for every PI in the past. Usually, only re-calculating the last PIs for all ARTs (Agile Hive - Project Administration#art) should be sufficient.

Please be aware that triggering the Manual Re-calculation will lock the re-calculation for individual ARTs.

Please make sure, that you have already set an Admin user for the Property generation process as described in the previous section.

Property worker threads

The regular issue event driven property calculation process is queue-based. In order to speed up the completion, you can increase the size of the thread pool working on this queue. The default number used  for the pool size is two times the number of the available cores for the smallest node.

Custom dependency links

Agile Hive comes with a Dependency Link type with the two directions requires and required by. In case, you used a different link type to track dependencies in your Jira system before, you can switch the link here. Agile Hive will use this link type as Dependency link type now, to show dependencies on the Agile Hive views.

Please make sure to match the semantics behind the link directions to the semantics to the standard Agile Hive dependency link.

The display of the dependencies in the Agile Hive views for already existing issue links may require a property re-calculation to be visible.

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This page was last edited on 08/28/2024.